Share Your Prayer Request
Prayer Wall Terms of Use
You are about to post a prayer request on the Prayer Wall of Dr. Ty Dixon. Doing so will make public the information shared. Please be careful and respectful in how you share other’s information. Only use names when it is pertinent or helpful, Be careful not to slander, accuse, or defame anyone. No soliciting from people on the Prayer Wall.
E-mail addresses will not appear on the prayer wall, however they are required to submit a request. Your email address will be visible to Dr. Ty. Our prayer team may contact you by email if they feel led to respond directly to you about your prayer request.
Your Prayer need will be prayed for by Dr. Ty and our online community 24 hours a day.
With your permission, your request will be added below so that others can pray for you also.
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Please, pray for Jason & his family to trust Jesus as their Savior and Lord. Let them see Jesus is the way, truth, life, and only way to the Father. Pray that I follow God's direction. Thank you!